In general, panic attacks are not dangerous and do not put afflicted individuals in life threatening circumstances. They do however inhibit normal functioning of the individuals deeming them incapable of going through regular every day tasks. To those who have experienced panic attacks, their likelihood of experiencing it again is higher, according to Panic Away by Joe Barry, because the fear of another attack triggers the phenomenon.
Panic attacks usually strike individuals who have gone through some form traumatic experience. The disorder causes the individual palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, tension, muscle weakness, fatigue, chest pain, stomach aches, headaches, shaking or trembling, faintness, hot flushes, extreme sensitivity to all 5 senses, a sense of impending doom and the need to "fight or flight". More knowledge on coping mechanisms will reduce the fear of another attack which will in turn reduce the likelihood of the experience ever happening again. In addition, this can also result to shorter experiences when a panic attack episode does indeed strike.
One of the more easy-to-do ways to stop a panic attack or an anxiety attack on their tracks is to breathe into and out of a paper bag. This regulates your breathing. You can also try cupping your hand to your mouse and nose instead of a paper bag if the latter is not available). Linden Method by Charles Linden and Panic Puzzle by Rich Presta have plenty of tips you can use to make panic attack symptoms go away. It even has treatment options available.
Another effective coping mechanism is lowering your gaze whilst having an attack. You'll find that looking around will put your senses in hyper-drive and heighten your sensitivity to noise and light, for example . Panic attacks can also be dealt with through the simple use of distraction. Distraction methods you can employ include counting down from 100 to 00 as fast as you can, splashing cold water on your face, listening to music and singing out loud along with it, or watching a funny TV show and laughing to it.
You're food, lifestyle and sleeping patterns also determine your ability to cope, and even permanently deal, with panic attacks. Discover the road to better coping ways and effective treatment through Panic Away Review at which will provide great reads on the tips featured here and then some more.
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